Parts May be Requested for Warranty Consideration

You will need to upload a copy of your purchase receipt in the supporting documentation section below
Upload supporting documentation, receipts, pictures.

20MB file maximum size. PNG, JPG/JPEG, or GIF formats only. Note: Photos taken with an iPhone with iOS 11 or later are saved in HEIC format and must be converted to an accepted format prior to upload.

Please read the terms and conditions below an acknowledge your acceptance at the bottom.
Return Policy:

RMA Validity
  • Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) is valid for 30 days from the date of purchase.

Quality Control Inspection:
  • All returned products are subject to quality control (QC) inspection.

Credit Issuance:
  • No credit will be issued until the returned product has been thoroughly inspected and tested.

Non-Defective Products:
  • If the returned product is found to be non-defective, no credit will be issued.

Customer-Induced Damage:
  • No credit will be issued for products that are defective or damaged due to customer abuse or improper care.

Warranty Claims:
  • Warranty parts request form procedures must be followed for warranty claims.

I agree to the terms and conditions